3 Tips For Getting Young Kids To Brush Their Teeth

Posted on: 13 January 2021

Brushing their teeth twice a day is the best way for your kids to avoid tooth decay, something that around 42% of children experience. It also helps them develop a great life-long habit, which will ensure they have great oral health their whole life. Sometimes getting young children to agree to brush their teeth as often as they need to can be a challenge, but these three tips should help:

Buy Them Fun Kids' Hygiene Books

Not only is reading stories together at bedtime a wonderful way to bond with your child and get them to love books, but it's also a powerful way to teach life lessons. There are many great books for kids focused on the importance of hygiene, including children's books to help them want to brush their teeth.

As your kids read about the children in the stories brushing their teeth twice a day and practicing good hygiene, they will want to do the same thing. You can also buy books about handwashing and bathing to complete your collection.

Opt for Kid-Friendly Toothbrushes and Toothpaste

Adult toothpaste doesn't usually taste good to a child's palate, and an adult toothbrush is likely too large and uncomfortable for their little mouth. Let them help pick out their own toothbrush and toothpaste and they will suddenly be much more enthusiastic about brushing their teeth.

Toothbrushes with their favorite cartoon characters or toothbrushes that light up and play music will be popular options. Kid-friendly toothpaste works just as well as adult toothpaste but comes in delicious flavors like bubblegum or strawberry. Switch things up once in a while to keep your kids excited about brushing their teeth.

Try to Keep Brushing Time Fun

Kids have shorter attention spans than adults, so spending two minutes brushing their teeth twice a day can feel endless. Keep it fun in order to make the time go fast. Maybe you can agree to read them a single chapter or a few pages from an especially engaging story while they brush.

Or you can look online for fun songs that last the length of one tooth brushing session. Another idea is to buy a colorful timer and show your child how to set it each time they brush their teeth.

By keeping things fun and following these tips, you will teach your children that taking great care of their teeth is important and not something they need to avoid.
